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You Can Help
Make a Donation:
Thank you for your interest in making a donation to the Belleville Public Library and John M. Parrott Art Gallery. Your donation is much appreciated and will enhance our programs and services to the community. The Belleville Public Library is a registered charity. Tax receipts are available upon request for monetary donations of $20.00 or more.
To make a donation, please make a cheque payable to the Belleville Public Library:
Belleville Public Library
254 Pinnacle Street
Belleville, ON K8N 3B1
You can also make a donation by Debit, Mastercard or Visa in person at the Circulation Desk at the library.
If you have further questions, please contact the CEO, Trevor Pross, at 613-968-6731 x 2022.
Adopt a Magazine
“Adopt” your favourite magazine by donating the cost of its annual subscription, and share your good taste with other library users. Each “adopted” magazine will be labelled with the name of the donor. What an effective way to advertise your business, honour that “hard-to-buy-for” person on your gift list, or simply show your support! As magazine subscription prices steadily increase, the library’s buying power decreases.
Without financial assistance from library users, businesses and organizations, we will be unable to renew subscriptions to many of the magazines and newspapers which all of us have come to expect to find at the library.
Sponsor a Painting
The Belleville Public Library Board would like to thank the Parrott Foundation for their generous support for our Library and Gallery.